Thursday, December 27, 2012

Resolutions for 2013: Part I

Pals...I just realized that there are only FOUR more days until New Year's Eve!!  Can you believe it?!? 

I need to get cracking on my New Year's Resolutions!  Granted, I am such a good dog that there can only be a limited number of things that I "need" to change.  (I am sure many of you are in the same predicament - when you are THIS good, why change?!?) 

Anyway, here is what I have so far:

Have you started your list of New Year's Resolutions? 

(If so, do you have any resolutions that I can borrow? BOL)


  1. Oz pal I can't imagine you have to change a thing...just like me ;) But mom sez there's one thing she wants...that I stop "barking my fool head off" at every dog that walks by across the street. Now I think that's unfair cause how else will they know I'm here...but I guess for mom I'll try

    1. Gizmo: I do the same thing and my Ma can't stand it either. What's with these Mas?!? Don't they understand that one must announce his/her arrival on the street?

      I'm thinking we both have to try...but it;s gonna be hard!

  2. Hmm, are you any relation to Toto? Hopefully, you don't align your paws with Mombi and Jack Pumpkinhead. We like those associated with Glinda.

    As for new paws resolutions, how about teaching Ma to make cheddar collies. BOL.

    Essex & Sherman

    1. No relation to Toto, officially, Essex & Sherman...but who's to say we aren't somehow related if only by a smidge. I would definitely be associated with Glinda; I am a good doggie after all.

      Oh, how I would love to teach Ma how to make homemade treats!

  3. Your resolutions are great....I haven't even thought of any yet....I better get my thinking cap on!

    1. What?! Rem, I am shocked! You usually are so on top of the holidays!!! I bet you'll come up with some great resolutions!

  4. Whoa, this is my very first New Year's, so I haven't created this magical list yet...but I absolutely love your's!! I might add, Pee on more neighborhood bushes/trees/posts/human pantlegs (hehehe)!!

    1. Ooh! Thanks for the idea! You should get started on your list. You don't want to miss out!

  5. Hey Oz, Jet here.

    Dude, great list. We might have to have a Mayor's conference, since, I, Jetty was formerly Mayor of my local Bark Park!

    1. And did me...lose your status for barking like a crazy dog?!? BOL We should have a Mayor's conference so we can figure out how to get our status back!

  6. Hiya Oz..... I have missed talkin' to ya! That is a great list idea... I have to start mine too. I think you should act like a crazy dog if you want to!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

    1. Hi Rubie!!! It's so good to see you!

      Thank you and yes...get started on your list! I bet you can come up with great resolutions!

      P.S. Thanks for saying I could act like a crazy dog if I want! *Cuddles*

  7. I think your resolutions are fantastic! Why change perfection?


    1. Oh are so sweet. Thank you!

  8. Looks like a great list, to me! Though you should add "eat more treats!" to it. ;)

    Marquie, Lassie & Petal

    1. Oh, I never even thought of that! Eat more treats should definitely be on the list!!!! Thanks pals!

  9. You have a pawsome list, Oz!
    I haven't made a list yet...too busy enjoying my
    Christmas pressies :)
    Hope you had a nice Christmas!

    1. So glad Santa Paws was good to you, my pal! Gosh, I feel like I am the only one who thought about New Year's so far...but I bet you all will get your list together soon.

  10. Thanks so much for all your good wishes on my health! We really appreciate it!

    Napping more is definitely on my list as well!

    Your pal, Pip

    1. Oh Pip. You are very welcome for the wishes. I am so glad to hear you are doing a bit better.

      Napping is good, especially so you can regain your strength my friend!

  11. You have a great list here Oz!! We think we could utilize some of your ideas!! Thanks for stopping by our blog to say hello...we are your newest followers!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

    1. Oh wow! Thanks Chloe and LadyBug (and Jeanne)!

      You can use any of the resolutions!! I never mind sharing!


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier