
Monday, June 3, 2013

...One Giant Leap for Oz

Ma as a Chicken

Ma has been contemplating changing me over to a Raw Food Diet for some time but has continually "chickened out".  However, several things converged recently that gave Ma some courage.

First, she has been reading +Kimberly Gauthier's account of switching her dogs over to a Raw Food Diet over at Keep the Tail Wagging.  

Miss Kimberly did a lot of research before she began the transition to raw, which she happily shared with the pet blogging community (and if you missed it but want to read all her posts you can click HERE).  Most recently, she has been giving us a "play by play" of how everyone is doing during the transition.  I think reading (and watching Kimberly's videos) has given Ma some much needed courage and for that I am grateful because no one wants to feel like they have to "go it alone".

Keep the Tail Wagging

Second, my itchies are back...again.  
Yes, Ma fell off our Epic Pet Health Skin supplement wagon and forgot to use the supplement, which in turn allowed this stupid, itchy rash to return.  In a matter of a few days, I chewed my back leg raw...again.

Last, a prepared Raw Food company contacted me to see if I would be interested in joining their Product Review Program 
(and we were honest and said that currently, I did not eat raw but we have been thinking about know, for months and that we would definitely be interested if they would take us).  Ma went page by page through their website, where they offer great educational advice about transitioning to a Raw Food Diet, how and how much to feed your pet, what's in their prepared Raw Food Diet, what to expect when transitioning, etc. 

The company's website also had a Store Locator page and being "brave" Ma typed in our address only to find a store right around the corner from our house that sells their Raw Food Diet formulas.  Now she can no longer use the excuse that she cannot find a place to purchase raw food for dogs.

This weekend we did some more research on the Raw Dog Food company and their products and found only good things about them and their foods.

So my giant leap is....
I am in transition to a Raw Food Diet.  It has only been a couple of days so I cannot really report anything except that...IT IS DELICIOUS.  I have been getting venison in frozen nugget form; the defrosting and preparation is easy (a lot easier than Ma thought).

We are super excited but still nervous so please keep your paws crossed for us.

Happy Monday to all!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! Especially about the review opportunity. This is so wonderful! Two of our dogs itched a lot and that went away with raw food. Granted, this is just my experience, but I was willing to give it a shot after reading about the experiences of so many others.

    So excited for all of you!!!

    1. Thank you, Miss Kimberly! I hope my itchies can go away too once we get further along in this transition process. It has been such a journey to decide to switch to raw and we are grateful to you for sharing all that you have. I have my paws crossed the company will select me as a "taste tester" of sorts as I am finding their product quite delicious (and easy to prepare).

  2. Sorry about your itchies Oz. We hope the change in diet will do you good. Our old vet swears on chicken wings and dogs we have met that are on a raw diet have fabulous teeth. Sigh peeps said no as she thinks she'd find buried food all round and the house and as for the garden we'd be overrun with foxes. BIG SIGH! We hope it works. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. BOL Molly...Ma is NOT giving me raw chicken wings and such. It is prepared raw food, has all necessary stuffs in it for balanced diet. I cannot imagine eating that kind of raw...Ma would freak out!

  3. as long as da food be taystee i dussnt fink we will er any complaints my pal......enjoy

  4. Having the itchies stinks! My guys have been on raw for about 5 years. I switched them cold turkey (no pun, of course!) and had no bad effects. I use the pre-packaged as I didn't want to deal with anything but ground up bones. It's pretty pricey but the health benefits will hopefully balance that out.

    Just be sure to keep the bowls, counters and your hands well washed after the meal.

    1. We have been following washing/cleaning protocol, as we would when preparing raw meats for humans. I even switched to my stainless steel bowl for the food. The company's website provided great resources for all this stuff, which made us feel so much more comfortable with the switch.

  5. AnonymousJune 03, 2013

    I hope this helps your itchy skins, Oz! My mom has been giving me some raw foods plus kibbles for a while now and I love the raw stuff :) I'm glad you're liking it too!

    1. I hope it does too! So many have written about how skin clears up on raw, along with other health benefits. I'm glad you like yours, my pal!

  6. Good luck! Looking forward to progress reports... hoping your itchies will be gone for good!

    1. Paws crossed, Miss Sue! Paws crossed...

  7. Kimberly is awesome! Good luck with the raw diet. We are sticking to our premium kibble since we don't have any issues to deal with regarding diet at this time, mom says it is a bit like her eating cereal all the time with a few more nutrients. Oh, and buy yourself a chew toy instead of using your leg, that sounds so painful!

    1. Kimberly is awesome, Emma. I am so glad she wrote all those posts about switching to raw. It helped Ma so much. So long as your food keeps you healthy, Emma then everyone should eat whatever they want.

  8. Woo! Hoo! It sounds delicious! I love venison :) I plan to try a freeze dried raw diet this Summer :) I look forward to hearing how you do on the raw diet.

    1. Ma bought some of the freeze-dried version as well but i a different flavor so we are waiting to try it. They say not to add too many different proteins too soon. You are going to love it, Pepper!!!

  9. Good luck! I hope it helps your nasty itchies.

    1. Oh, one can only hope. For now, I am back to my supplement regimen which is helping.

  10. Must say venison sounds pretty Yummy! Hope it helps.
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

    1. If you have never had venison, you should try it. It is delicious my pals!

  11. Keep us updated on how it goes! I've been on a homecooked diet for over a year now, and I love it!

  12. Good luck Oz - your new diet sounds pretty tasty!

    1. Thanks Miss Ann. It is tasty but it seems I need to get used to it a bit.

  13. Sounds like you are in for a treat!

  14. We hear pros and cons to everything, so why not give it a try
    Benny & Lily

  15. AnonymousJune 03, 2013

    Sounds tasty, I hope it helps your itchy skin.

    1. It is tasty, for sure. Too soon to tell if it is going to help skin so I am using my supplement for now.

  16. Congratulations, Oz! That sounds like one tasty transition! You are one lucky dog!


  17. Oh, this is soooo interesting Oz! Please keep us posted on your progress on the transition...Ma has also been thinkin' about it, butts she is shy abouts all that is involved. Can't wait to see how you do!
    Oh, and Kim from Epic Health is PAWSOME!!! Her and Ma emailed back and forth and we gots our stuffs TODAY!! Yea! Ma is gonna start tomorrows or Wednesday, and she is all kinds of excited abouts it! Thanks bunches for puttin' us in touch with her and her PAWSOME company!

    1. Ruby: Ma was very nervous for numerous reasons - maybe I should interview her and write a post about it. However, she is transitioning very well too. The food is not as scary as she thought. BOL

      You mean Amy?!? She is pawesome! You are welcome and I hope that the supplement can help you.

  18. If we were going to attempt to feed raw, we'd definitely have to go the ready-prepped route! I wouldn't want to try to take on the home-feeding thing. (I don't even like to cook for the humans around here...)

    Rita's doing well on her premium grain free kibble, with some wet food (or a bit of home-cooked meat/veg) mixed in, so we are sticking with that for now. If Rita had bad allergies, I'd definitely be looking into my options. Hope it works for you, Oz! It's no fun to be itchy!

    1. We agree, obviously since we are using the prepared diets. The diet is well balanced so Ma doesn't have to "think" about if I am missing some important food stuffs. A lot of pups do well on their premium kibble - I did well for a while, but then my skin just "gave up" I guess. I think I have too many allergies or something. BOL

  19. Good luck with your transition and have fun eating the nummy meat. Sorry to hear your itchys are back and hopefully not for long.

    1. Thanks! I love eating the meat but I think my digestive system has to adjust to it a bit. BOL Not that I don't feel well or anything, but there is a lot of grumbly noises from my belly every now and again.

  20. Looks interesting Oz and I sure hope it fights the itchies for you...Itchies are no fun at all...Momz checked the store locator and they don't seem to sell that one up here in the boonies...

    1. WTD??? You need to move out of those boonies, my pal. BOL Paws crossed that my itchies will disappear like magic!

  21. Hmmm. I'm still not sure what to think of a raw food diet for my dogs. I can't wait to hear how it goes. Do you think a diet change will help with your rashes?

    1. Dawn, Ma hears you. There is so much conflicting information out there which is what made Ma so nervous. I hope a diet change will help my rashes as I think I have food allergies as well as environmental (which will always be a concern I guess).

  22. Hey Oz,

    That's awesome that you're gonna do a review as you do your giant leap - cos I should would like to see how it goes! I'm also gonna check out all Kimberly's research!

    I hope you enjoy it buddy,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

    1. Well, I am NOT signed up for the review program as yet (paws crossed they will accept me). But from their contact, we read their website where they have some great educational information about raw diets, switching, etc. It made us feel pretty comfortable to give it a try. Besides, their food is well balanced for proper nutrition and has gotten excellent ratings.

      I will keep you posted on how it is going. And yes, please go visit Kimberly because she has spent a lot of time looking into all the different ways to go raw.

  23. ooooh interesting! Loads of my friends from class eat raw food and swear by it. But mummy and daddy find it all a bit confusing what the ratios of offal and bone etc, so for now they've put it on the backburner. But looking forward to hear how you get on with it.

  24. Good for you Oz, my guys are on RAW and they absolutely love it. My mister free eater, eat whenever I feel like it now dances for his dinner. It's great to see him so enthused about it. :-)


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier