
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Separate Vacations

My dear friends...I want to apologize for not posting very much and not visiting your blogs for the last two weeks.  Though Ma, Daddy-dog and I took separate vacations, I did have high hopes that I would be able to keep up with all the goings-on in Blogville but sadly, I was unable to do so.

You see, Ma and Daddy-dog participated once again in the Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project with Habitat for Humanity.  This year, Ma and Daddy-dog went to Denver, Colorado to lead groups of volunteers.  They went out a few days before the build to do some sightseeing and wouldn't you know...the day they decided to go up to Lookout Mountain (near Golden, Colorado) to see Buffalo Bill's grave, it snowed!  It was Denver's first snow of the season.  BOL 

So, while Ma and Daddy-dog acclimated to the altitude (Denver is, after all, the "Mile High City") and the colder temperatures, I spent my days poolside at Grandma's Courtyard Resort in South Florida.

This year, Ma and Daddy-dog didn't build the new homes during the Carter Work Project; instead they helped on the critical home repairs within the same community where the new townhomes were being built.  Their volunteers had a great time and did a great job repairing the garage roof and priming and painting the house much so, that by Thursday Ma and Daddy-dog were asked to move to another house to help put up siding and paint.  They spent long days (from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM) last Monday through Friday helping to revitalize a neighborhood.

During the time Ma and Daddy-dog were building an unfortunate (or fortunate, depends on how you look at it) occurred.  Grandma called it "The Incident" and she made me email Ma about it.

After the Carter Work Project, Ma and Daddy-dog stayed in Denver and did some more sightseeing.  They took the Cog Railway up to the top of Pike's Peak...14,110 feet at the tippy-top (and 20 degrees F - BOL).  They say the views were spectacular.

It was about this time that I thought Grandma's Courtyard Resort should offer spa services and then Holy Dawg!  Aunt Chich, the massage therapist (a real massage therapist) came up from Islamorada for a long weekend at Grandma's resort!  I indulged myself and got a back massage - at least when Aunt Chich wasn't posing for photos with me.  BOL

We are all back home now, safe and sound.  Ma and Daddy-dog are enjoying the heat and humidity of South Florida after being in the Colorado cold-dry air for 12 days.  I am enjoying being back home with them.  I even slept in the big bed last night (you know, because I could tell they missed me so much and needed the extra comfort).

I am going to spend the next few days trying to get caught up with all your blogs.  Please be patient with me as I get back into the swing of things...I haven't come off "vacation mode" completely yet.  BOL


  1. Don't worry Oz!! We still love you!! Hugs, Francesca

    1. Thank you. I feel like I've been gone for forever!

  2. Don't worry OZ, cause we been gone for almost 2 months, we are also just getting back come Monday!

    The Mad Scots

    Pees; Looks like you had a great time (ah feeding frenzie) and the peeps had a great time lending a helping hand!

    1. Thanks, pals. The feeding frenzy was pawesome...wish you were there to share in the spoils.

  3. Replies
    1. They say it was, Nola. And I enjoyed my relaxing time poolside.

  4. Sounds like you all had a fabulous vacation! Wow! Bravo for the ma and dog daddy! Sounds like you had a pretty good time, too, Oz :-)

    1. Oh, I love going by Grandma's house. She IS the "treat lady".

  5. No worries Oz and we say a big warm welcome back pal. See you tomorrow we hope. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. High Paw! A whole bag of treats, AND a massage! You really hit the jackpot pal! I am so happy you are all home together now :)

    1. I know, right Pepper?!? Total jackpot! But I am very happy to be back home with my family.

  7. So log as you have lots of pics to share - we are happy

  8. Yep, must be Oz cause I know you would never knock a whole bag of treats to the floor...nope, not you...And snow! Did mom & dad bring you home some some you could check it out? No? sheesh! Well your mom & dad did a very good thing and I be they had a great time too and now the three of you can catch up and have some serious "Oz" time

    1. Right?!? Giz, you know I would NEVER knock treats to the floor on purpose. No, they didn't bring back any snow but they claim I would have loved it. There were dogs up top on Pike's Peak having a great time. Colorado is very dog-friendly.

  9. That was a cool thing for them to do, but we've been missing you!

  10. I've missed you Oz.

    1. I've missed you too, Ranger. I'll be stopping by your blog soon!

  11. Wow I bet Ma and Daddy-dog are super tired after all of that work! And I'm sure all those treats, cocktails, and massages at the spa resort have you worn out as well Oz ;) Good to see you again!

    1. My vacation was exhausting, Miss Ann. BOL

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you, Miss Kimberly. It's great to be back!

  13. Wow, your parents were doing some great things and seeing great places too. Sounds like you may have been spoiled though.

  14. I love what your pawrents do, that's so great! Please give them a hug from me! You ate a whole bag of treats? Oh boy, I did that once too and had a blizzard in all my 7 stomachs. :o)

    1. Oh, I had a blizzard in my stomach too, Easy...but it was worth it. BOL

  15. The views form the mountain are amazing!
    I don't understand what else you're supposed to do if there are treats on the floor, however they got there! You were helping keep the place clean and tidy.

    1. Thank you, Clowie...I thought I was helping by not making the cleaning girls pick up all those pesky treats from the floor.

  16. Hey Oz and welcome back to you all. What a kind way to spend their vacay helping others.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  17. Sounds like everyone had a grand time on their separate vacations. What a lucky thing that was for you with the treats. I don't see any problematic issues there at all! Enjoy being home again - vacations are great but there is nothing as great as being home with your family!

    1. So true, Emma...there's no place like home! I saw no issue either but Grandma had her own opinions.

  18. that is wonderful that your Mom and Dad do such meaningful work!! Oz, we KNOW it wasn't you that ate that entire bag of treats! No way!! We missed you as well!

    1. BOL Miss Caren! You really don't believe I would eat a WHOLE bag of treats?!? Come on now. I missed you too. Say hello to Dakota for me!

  19. Ringy Dingy Sweet William calling Hellooo Oz ~ Wow you should be so proud of your parents working with Habitat for Humanity. They do so many wonderful projects. I like seeing the pictures from their trip. Now seriously about those treats I don't think any dog is believing that story, you got to tell it with more gusto. I hope you have a date for How O Ween.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

    1. Tell it with more gusto?!? I was telling it with sincerity...didn't you see that, Sir William?!? BOL!

  20. Wow, such adventures. That's very cool that your pawrents use their vacation to help other folks. We'd like to do that some day when we have more time. (Although... I'm not sure these old bones could handle 12 hour days of manual labor!)

    It is so hard to be good! But it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission, so well done there!

  21. I saw Buffalo Bills grave during my road trip in college. I totally forgot until you mentioned it. Well, you didn't miss anything on my blog while you guys were on vacation because homework has kept me from blogging the past couple of weeks. I have some exciting news coming though.

    I am not going to make the #ScoopThatPoop Hop Monday but am offering Chester and Gretel up for a funny Chester/Gretel/Pool limerick if you need something to write about :)

  22. I saw Buffalo Bills' grave when I went on a road trip in college. I forgot until you mentioned it. You haven't missed anything on my blog because homework has kept me from blogging the lat couple of weeks.

    I won't make the #ScoopThatPoop hop Monday but will offer Chester and Gretel up for a funny Chester/Gretel/Pool limerick if you need some inspiration :)

  23. Looks like everyone had a great time. Your too cute. Glad ma and dog daddy are home safe. What great stuff they do by helping out others.

  24. Oh Oz, you must have a treat guardian angel, not a ghost! :-D Your Ma and Daddy-dog are pawesome people, and good thing they are back home where you can take care of them! Wooooooowooooooo, Ku

  25. Oh Oz, you must have a treat guardian angel, not a ghost! :-D Your Ma and Daddy-dog are pawesome people, and good thing they are back home where you can take care of them! Wooooooowooooooo, Ku

  26. How wonderful of your ma avd daddy dog to help out people by building homes. Sounds like they also got to see lots of cool sites. Our parents visited Denver years ago and liked it. It also sounds like your treat eating break was a blast
    Urban hounds

  27. Wowee snow already?! Sounds like Ma and Dad have been doing a lot of good, and I'm sure you had a super time with your servants by that pool!
    Have a super weekend,
    Pippa :)

  28. LOL on the treat incident. And here your parents were being all charitable and helpful while you were getting into mischief. :)

  29. Now i wonder why they didn't want you there to help the Habitats too? You could make sure that new house is dog-ready!

  30. Sounds like quite an adventure. Glad to have you back! :)

  31. WOWSA!!! A WHOLE BAG OF TREATIES???!! Ooooo, I'll be right overs to help you if any more shall happen to 'fall'....
    You sure looks like you are havin' the times of your life there at Spa Gma!!
    Oh, and once again, your peeps ROCK!!!! I loves how much your peeps do for others. Not surprising at all! I am so glads they are who they are, and all those peeps are gonna benefit from their hard works!
    Butts, I am SUPER glads to have you back!! Missed you to pieces!!
    Ruby ♥

  32. I'd make that a double on the rocks Bawahwhhawa Missed you Oz, we are so behind with all the bloggies at the moment xxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  33. We all need a vacation now and then especially bloggers! Good for your 'rents to help with Habitat for Humanity.

  34. Missed you Oz, I think you chose the best place staying poolside and so thoughtful of you to clear up all the treats BOL


  35. Sounds like you have had a brilliant time!

  36. Sounds to me like you were helping the clean the floor by eating the treats :-)


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier