
Friday, January 10, 2014

{This Moment} See Beautiful: Rain

The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain.
-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Today I am joining my great friend, Sugar the Golden Retriever, for the {This Moment} See Beautiful, a monthly blog hop to inspire us to See Beautiful.

And I admit, it has been hard to See Beautiful this week as my world has been obscured by rain and gray skies.  All the gray and wet was making us feel a bit "blah".

But today we went for our walk and we saw the sun try to come out.  For the moment, we were so happy.

Then, when we walked past the Conservation Area (a retention pond which is usually dry this time of year) we noticed of course, it was filled with rain water but also...all kinds of wading birds, even ones we've not seen here before.

The little white "dots" are Snowy Egrets

All the birds were so happy; they were swimming, bathing, splashing and foraging for food.  It made us smile.  The happy birds made us see how Beautiful rain in Florida is because it brings out so much of the wildlife.

Raindrops in the grass

So, thank you Mother Nature for teaching me to See Beautiful in the gray, rainy skies.

Can you See Beautiful in a wet dog?!?


  1. At least the brids were happy, Oz. Thanks for showing me the beauty of a rainy day. And yes, I can see beautiful in a wet dog, because you are just beautiful

  2. We see so much beautiful in a wet dog!! We happen to have 2 here at this very moment - so there's so much beautiful to see! Thank you so much for hopping in our blog hop and for sharing the ways you see beautiful with us - even in gray skies and rain drops!

    Happy seeing more beautiful into 2014!

  3. we would take that rain in a moment over the cold weather here. keeping seeing beautiful

    retro rover

  4. We certainly can See Beautiful in a soggy terrier--you! You are adorable, and the pictures are so peaceful. we also look forward to seeing the egrets in the summer. Believe it or not, we have them here in New York City in a wildlife refuge in Queens!!!! Also in our big wonderful Prospect park in Brooklyn!

    Livvie (another terrier) from

  5. Love that quote, that's about all you can do.

  6. Oz you are as handsome wet as dry. You are right sometimes even in the gray weather colors are most brilliant. Mom loves to watch the bright red cardinals in the winter they are such a pop of color on the feeders
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. All Beauwooowoooootiful! Wooowoooooo, Ku

  8. I love rain! Though I admit to not liking it too much when I gotta walk somewhere. :) Your pictures will make me think twice about grumbling at get wet! Hopefully Oz didn't grumble too much about get soaked either!

  9. Oz, your looking beautiful in your towel! I love the rains, it makes everything so fresh and clean, including ME.


  10. Rain is our least favorite weather, but if it is going to rain a lot, we just decide to go out and get soaked and have a good time. Why not, we can all dry off and carry on! That first quote is pretty much true, we don't get a say in the matter!

  11. we think you wrapped up in a towel was the cutest thing of all

  12. All wet dogs are beautiful, but they don't smells beautiful BoL.

  13. Yes, I see beautiful in a wet dog. ~xo~

  14. We have a pond in our back yard (the big yard) and Mom's favorite thing about it is the birds that will come to drink and bath, Hurry Spring!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  15. I like the rain (but then, we don't get much of it here so it's kind of a treat when we get it!). Love the snowy egrets. I can relate to those tall skinny birds. :) I can definitely see beautiful in that adorable wet dog! :)

  16. There's always Beauty around, Oz. Golden Glad you witness such beauty on a rainy, cloudy day. from your photo, I see a SMILE and you definitely enjoyed it. Happy Seeing Beauty. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  17. There is some beauty in a beautiful wet doggy in a towel

  18. Oz indeed I see beautiful in a wet dog..a wet dog from rain or here a wet dog from a swim in the dam in the heat..the pond is beautiful and the life it brings beautiful also...different parts of the world at the moment are having beautiful moments for different reasons,,have a great weekend Oz :) hugs Fozziemum x

  19. OF COURSE I can see beautiful in a wet dog! I also love seeing your greenery....wet or not!

  20. Yep, we see your beauty everywhere Oz!

  21. We see super cute in a wet dog.

  22. You are the cutest little thing!!!

  23. Beauty in a wet dog. Mom says only if the dog is wet b/c he's had a bath. I say there's noting more beautiful than a wet dog who's been rolling around in the mud.

    Aroo to you,

  24. What a beautiful post Oz!!

    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  25. Very nice Oz :) It's been a little rainy here, but much warmer thankfully. Rain is good sometimes!

  26. I see a beautiful wet dog, Oz. Lovely :) Pawkiss :)

  27. So true. Rain can seem rather blah, but it does have its own beauty. Thanks for helping us see beautiful in the dull and gray. :)

  28. Beautiful post, it was nice of you to show us the beauty in Rain, without rain we wouldn't have the beauty in nature that it brings. That first photo is gorgeous and the last one of you and your towel is adorable. The birds sure were happy to be able to all that they need to do in the water. Thanks for sharing!

  29. It ave ardly stop raining ere Oz my pal…..we haz bolt an ark…..I save place for yoo on it

  30. That looks like a beautiful place and the rain made it even more beautiful. :)


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier