
Friday, January 17, 2014

What's Going On?

Talk to me, so you can see
Oh, what's going on
What's going on
Ya, what's going on
Ah, what's going on
-- Alfred W. Cleveland, Renaldo Benson, Marvin P. Gaye

We are all busy, busy, busy...and I have one reminder for you and one announcement.

Scoop That Poop
The Scoop That Poop blog hop is back from its holiday vacation and is scheduled for this coming Monday, January 20, 2014.  There is no theme for this month so you can write about anything POOP related.  So get your thinking caps on, friends so we can Scoop That Poop!

The Scoop That Poop Campaign, created by Sugar the Golden Retriever, is to bring awareness to the importance of scooping dog poop.  On Monday, you will be able to find the linky for our monthly blog hop at Sugar the Golden Retriever, Oz the Terrier, My GBGV Life, Pawsitively Pets, The World According to Garth Riley and The Lazy Pitbull.

WOOF Support
In response to the numerous comments I received on my "My Name is Oz and I am...Leash Reactive" post, I have started an online support group called WOOF (Working Out Our Fears).  The group is intended to be a safe place for reactive dogs and their owners to discuss issues, share training tips and other educational resources, and provide support and encouragement to each other.

If you are a reactive dog or its owner, you can read more about my online group on my WOOF Support page.  You are also welcome to join our Facebook group as well as our monthly Blog Hop (which will be co-hosted by Roxy the Traveling Dog and Wag 'n WoofPets).  Our first Blog Hop is not scheduled as yet, but the Facebook group is up and running!

Busy, busy, much going on.  I hope you all had a GREAT week and that we all can relax and enjoy our weekend!


  1. What an excellent idea and a great name for the group too. We will join on behalf of the Dweeb (Denny) who is scared of everything :) Oh Mom says to check out the Nutro Apple cookies - they don't have chicken meal in...that is what I am allergic too as well - any kind of poultry. It was torture having to sit there looking at the pomegranate and not being able to eat them. Mom gave me some little alligator cookies instead but the dweeb loved the pomegranate cookies.

    1. Yay! I am so happy you will join on behalf of the Dweeb!! I will definintely look into those Apple knows if I eat chicken I will be scratching day and night. Thanks!

  2. Its such an annoying problem when people dont clean up after their dog, drives me nuts! Also the face book group is a really nice idea, this is such a common problem. Finally I have to say I love your intro song quote as Im a big marvin gaye fan

    retro rover

    1. Unscooped poop is uncalled for! Just today, we were walking and saw that someone scooped but then left the bag, with the poop, on the ground! Really? How lazy can you be? Thank you and I do love a good Marvin Gaye song too!

  3. Poop Patrol! We sure could do with that here at the moment. Somedoggy and their owner needs telling. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. And you haven't "told" them yet, Molly?!? I am surprised.

  4. We just had a SCIENTIFIC Poops Post up this week. We had pictures of OUR poops... before mom scooped them.

    1. Then get them ready for Scoop That Poop on Monday, pals!

  5. Hey Oz... woohoo Scoop that Poop is a very informative and impawtant day.
    Even though I'm a cat Mom scoops my poop too every single day so my box smells as fresh as a spring day
    Hugs Madi your bfff

  6. Darn, wish I had known further back. Have to post a book review this monday so have to miss this one. Sorry!

    1. It's okay Miss are excused. BOL

  7. A scoop the poop blog? Haha! How fun! And important at the same time!!
    Your Fb group is wonderful. I was happy to see so many of my blog world friends there!!!
    ((Husky hugz))
    "Love is being owned by a husky"

    1. Yes, it is Sugar's campaign and we just love it! You should join in if you can. Thank you...I was surprised when I emailed 14 people yesterday and we already have 30+ in our group. It's amazing!

  8. Great idea Oz! Hope you have the time for all your activities! Reactive dogs is an important subject and I can be too on occasion, but there are so many dogs out there that need help. I think it is really the US culture of everyone keeping dogs from being dogs, as in Germany we hardly ever met up with this problem and there were dogs all over the place.

    1. Thanks for the support and encouragement Emma. You could very well be right about it being a US problem - dogs not allowed to be dogs, etc.

  9. You always have so many things happening over here. How many personal assistants do you have?

    I love your WOOF support group idea. It is embarrassing and frustrating when our dogs go nuts at the end of a leash. Unfortunately, those human feelings sometimes stop us from being calm enough to take the steps we need to make our dogs feel more comfortable.

    Hopefully having a supportive place for people to see that they and their dog are not alone will help them move forward to finding a solution.

    1. BOL! I only have one assistant...I may need more soon!

      Thank you. Since I received so much support when I announced that I was reactive, I thought I needed to find a way to share that with others. The idea was then born. I am hoping through the group everyone can find the solution that works for them and their dog.

  10. Scoop the poop is very important. It prevents mom from saying HBO words

  11. We already have an idea for our poop post on Monday. Your support group sounds pawsome OZ!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

    1. Excellent pals! Oh, why thank can join, you know...if you need to. BOL

  12. We can always count on you for the real scoop Oz! Have a grand weekend!

  13. Oh we LOVE that song ... I hear my mom say that every day, " Sugar, what going on ..." LOVE that badge logo of the Woof Support. We will join the FB page ... as I was bit by a reactive dog and I want to know more about dogs that are reactive. Happy Friday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  14. Our Mama also loves that song!! We are going to head over and join the Woof FB page, our brofur is a special needs doggie and we love learning from other doggie pawrents!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  15. I went to Facebook and requested to join. Toby isn't leash reactive - but he has grown so shy of strangers. Especially I'm sad to see that he doesn't even like to greet kids anymore, and he used to love them. I know it is my fault, I pushed him too far with the therapy dog work at the hospital, or something…hopefully the group will have some tips.

  16. pOOp and wOOf... sounds like fun! I've made some progress with Pierson, so there is hope. Maya's leash reaction is different in that she gets super-excited when she sees another dog. The technique I'm using to help Pierson doesn't work on her. I can't wait to learn and share more tips.

  17. Great reminder Oz! Excited about #ScoopThatPoop! Will check out your groups as Shiner has a few issues herself.

  18. congrats on your support pages and good luck and thanks for helping out others, very kind! Got my post ready for scoop that poop. Have a great night.

  19. What a great idea for the support group. I shared on twitter and facebook because I'm sure my friends will be interested. And I love the badge!


  20. What a fab idea! Love the badge too

  21. You have gotten a great response to your WOOF group on fb! There have been so many great articles to read that people have posted!!! I am so glad I joined!
    Scooping the poop is important, I gotta tell ya, there is nothing worse then walking through the park and stepping in dog poop!!! UGH!
    ((husky hugz))
    "love is being owned by a husky"

  22. What a great idea for a group. Best of luck with it.

  23. Yikes….I haz herd that stoopid Lola lost a poop in a hedge the other day Oz my pal…it was dark and typist dint find it…we is opin it be safe and well covered an be wash away by da rains


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier