
Thursday, April 10, 2014

#WOOF Support: What Ma Loves About Me, Her Reactive Dog

Welcome to the third WOOF Support Blog Hop!  This month we are NOT talking about training, our fears, our frustrations....none of it!  We are focusing on the positive - on the things everyone loves about their best friends - with the theme "What I Love About My Reactive Dog"

For this post, I sat down with Ma to find out what it is that she loves about me.   Here are just a few things Ma mentioned:

My Eyes
They were one of the first things that caught her attention when she met me and they made her fall in love with me.  She says she can see all the way into my soul.  My eyes tell her that I was meant to be hers; her angel.

The eyes indicate the antiquity of the soul. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

My Adventurous Spirit
You all know how much I love a good adventure!  No matter where we are going - camping, hiking, biking, canoeing, to a pool party or out in the backyard - Ma just loves my enthusiasm and excitement for it all.  She loves to tell me over and over where we are going/what we will be doing just to see the sparkle in my eyes and my spinning zoomies of anticipation.

Life is either a great adventure or nothing. -- Helen Keller

My Courage
Like most Cairns, I am a "big dog in a little body" and it takes a lot to get a scare out of me!  Thunder?...No problem.  Camping in the wilderness?...Piece of cake.  Canoeing alongside a huge alligator?...Puppy's play.  Ma says she wishes she had half the courage that I have.

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear. -- Mark Twain

My Independence and Cairn Cuddles
Ma says these two go together because the one makes the other super special!  Cairns are notoriously independent and Ma says I am no exception.  I am rarely underfoot, have never suffered from separation anxiety and I quite enjoy time to myself whether it be hunting lizards or lounging around the house.

Independence is happiness. -- Susan B. Anthony

Being independent, I am not much of a lap dog and I am not overtly affectionate which is why Ma says Cairn Cuddles are so special!  Ma loves waking up in the middle of the night to find me snuggled up against her legs or belly, sound asleep.  Cairn Cuddles tell Ma how much I really do love her, even if I do not show it when I am awake.

We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults.  Heaven has accorded this to us  in the uncritical canine attachment. -- George Eliot

So tell me - whether you are a WOOF Support member or not - what do you love about your dog?

This is the WOOF Support Blog Hop, where reactive dogs and their owners can come together to share similar experiences.  Are you a reactive/fearful dog or its owner?  Then please join us and share your story.  The Blog Hop is open through Sunday, April 13th on my blog as well as on my co-hosts Roxy The Traveling Dog and Wag 'n Woof Pets.


  1. What a great post, Oz. It's funny that your list of why ma loves you are a lot of the things I love about Brychwyn too! I also love that Brychwyn is so very intuitive- he somehow always knows when and how I need him.

  2. Great post Oz we can see why your mum loves you...your spirit and sense of fun would have us falling in love woth you too!! hugs Fozziemum xxx

  3. Wow Oz, you sounds a lot like me (not being scared of nuffin - I are even ok wif fireworks) and being independent but also cuddly. Well, since I are basically a white cairn, I guess it makes sense!

  4. How could anyone resist you Oz? You have all the qualities of a loving pup and an a heroic pup that loves a bit of an adventure. Win win combo we say.
    Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Nobody's perfect and you have pawsome good points ;)

  6. Oz, there is so much to love about you! Those eyes definitely do it for me. :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  7. WE loved learning all the stuffs that your mom loves about YOU, Oz.
    The list of Stuffs OUR mom loves about US is like 87 feet long.

  8. Who wouldn't love a terrier? They are the bravest dogs of the whole world with a heart of gold. Mom said there is not one hair of me what she wouldn't love, because I'm HER pup and her silvermistygrey soulmate :o)

  9. Oz you are the best and those are very lovely things about you, who wouldn't love you.

  10. Momma loves my eyes, my grreat big kisses, and how I throw my all into everything I do, whether it's playtime or snuggle time!

  11. Those are awesome things to love Oz. You are a special dog for sure, who wouldn't love all those great things about you?

  12. Those are then thing all moms love :)

  13. I don't have a dog. How about a post where we dogs get to respond about thing that are annoying about our peeps (like getting too few treats)?

  14. You are one special kid
    Lily & Edward

  15. Aw, Cairn Cuddles. Isis was a super snuggler, but Mia and Leo don't seek me out as often... except in the morning! That's when I can snuggle with Mia, and sometimes Leo hops up and snuggles against my legs in the middle of the night.

  16. Sweet post, Oz. That's good that you have courage and an adventurous spirit. Rita has neither of those things, sadly. But we love that she is a very sweet girl (at least with us. Maybe not so much with strangers...).

  17. Oz your mom is 200% right your eyes are absolutely mesmerizing and so expressive. My mom loves your furs too!
    Hugs Madi your bfff

  18. Oh Oz, I can see why your Moms fell in loves with you!! You are just the cutest doggie evers!!
    Oh, and I too, am not a cuddler...I would rather wrastle you to the ground!! Butts I like to flop on Ma when she is layin' on the floor doin' her exercises!! hehehe
    Ruby ♥♥

  19. Ring a ding dong Oz you got to face the cold hard truth ~ YOUR MOM LOVES ALL OF YOU!
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  20. This is a perfect topic for WOOF support! I think often times too many people forget the reasons they love their reactive dogs, and so many of them just give up! Not us here at WOOF support though! We rock! And I love this hop! I will be linking up on Sunday with you. :)
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  21. We are shocked as we had you pegged for a cuddler! I guess your cuddles are special then. Us GBGV's love to cuddle as much as possible, not real independent unless we are on the scent trail of a critter! Nice post.

  22. Oz you have the most amazing Mom ever!! She is warm, loving, funny!!!! The best! Aren't we blessed to have Moms who love us just the way we are? Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  23. There is so much to love and each fur baby is different :)

  24. Oh Oz, we love all these things about you too! You do have some pretty lovely eyes ;) I love it when Shiner tries to strike up some mischief by barking at me to play with her.

  25. You had me in tears. My cairn sounds a lot like you!

  26. Awesome Oz, what a lovely post! I like how everyone is sharing what they love about their pups. :-)

  27. Great post, you are one lovable dog.


  28. Oz, you are a beautiful, brave little guy! This post reminds me that I didn't even get into all the physical traits I love about Ruby, from her huge ears and sparkling eyes to her white-tipped tail. Reactive or not, there is so much to appreciate in all of you!

  29. Loved the quotes! And yes, there's so much to love about every dog. Oz is a totally adorable sweetpea, and I'm so glad he has you to look after him and respect his quirks. Blogs like yours--and hops like WOOF's--reconcile me with the world :) Thanks for hosting, and for the visit yesterday!
    Guilie @ Life In Dogs

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. This is a great post, Oz! I love the quotes you used under the photos, especially the last one about uncritical canine attachment! Now that I have a connection (again), I have to go check out the other posts - at least as many as I can before I get disconnected yet again.

  32. You are a special doggie Oz. Although some of that description could also describe our

  33. Yoo ham da best Oz my dear pal...I fink ma no dat wotever yoo be shownin publics....


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier