Monday, June 16, 2014

#ScoopThatPoop: Culprits & The Fifth Paw Caught on Camera!

Today I join with my good friends Sugar the Golden Retriever and My Pawsitively Pets for Scoop That Poop.

Some neighbors will agree that the amount of unscooped dog poop in my neighborhood has become crazy.  It is all over the place and those who do not scoop do not seem to care that:
  • Dog poop is a pollutant and not fertilizer;
  • Dog poop  can contain harmful organisms that create a hazard for other dogs as well as humans; and
  • Unscooped dog poop can get into the water system and contaminate the water supply.
Other neighbors will say that what's crazy is Ma...because she has started taking photos of those who do not scoop their dog's poop!  Here is the (weird) neighbor with three dogs who allows them to poop everywhere including everyone else's front yard!  When she saw Ma whip out her cell phone camera, she tried to hightail it back to her house...but she was Caught on Camera!

Honestly, there are so many great companies that make all types of Scoop That Poop products that there should be no excuse for not picking up after your dog.  One of the best products we have is The Fifth Paw - a leash attachment that allows you to carry your poop bag to the trash can.

It is easy to attach it to your leash.  You just slide your leash between the two interior parts and seal it with the twisty white part and TADA!  A cool gadget that will carry your poop bag for you.  It's as easy as:
  1. Poop;
  2. Scoop;
  3. Place bag in The Fifth Paw; and
  4. Walk on to the trash bin.
And I have how easy The Fifth Paw is to use...Caught on Camera!

Ma and I love The Fifth is easy to use and lets us continue our walks "hands free" know, just in case Ma needs to take a photo of another non-scooping neighbor.

Do you think The Fifth Paw would help more people Scoop That Poop?

Enter our Scoop That Poop Giveaway to win The Fifth Paw and make your walks "Hands Free, Doody Free"!


  1. Pawfect advices as yoozhull Oz my pal…i say for yoo dat I is off on my olidays so I meebe not be commentin on da blog for a week or so my pal...

    1. Oh, I cannot wait to hear all about your holi-bobs!

  2. You should see Misaki's post today.

  3. Ding ding ding ding din Oz The Great and Powerful that you buddy ~ I have seen some of them in my hood. We have thought about it but we are still on the fence. I don't know if I would want my poop swinging on my leash or if my sack broke would my poop land on me? But then a Free Paw would be terrific and I see dogs using them so it must be a great invention.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot.

    1. What kind of poop bags are you buying that they would break open and fling poop everywhere, Sir William? Do I need to talk to your Lee about better bags? The Fifth Paw is a wonderful may want to get your paws on one.

  4. We'd like to join. Oz I've never understood why you wouldn't feel the need to clean up after your dogs. What I do find ironic is we have a couple of cranky neighbors who get upset if the dogs even stop and pee. I get that many don't scoop. However, one of the crankiest is one of the ones who drops deposits in our garden.

    If people practiced the Golden Rule, it would be a much nicer place to live. I haven't seen the carrying idea before, but that is nice.

    1. Please do! I don't understand how people cannot scoop either. It is so frustrating to see when it is as simple as 1-2-3!

  5. AnonymousJune 16, 2014

    maybe you should send the "presents" that pups left on the lawn back to the sender? I like the idea of an additional paw... we all should have one :o)

    1. BOL Easy. Now that would be interesting. The Fifth Paw is handy!

  6. Anything that helps sure would be a big plus Oz!

  7. We would like to join the give away. Why wouldn't you scoop your dog's poop? It's gross to leave it.

    1. I couldn't agree more! Some people...I tell you!

  8. Oh no. Busted! It would be fun to leave your scoop that poop signs all over her lawn! But I suppose that would violate some kind of law...

    1. You know I thought of that Chewy but I am afraid we would get in trouble. But I can leave them on the common area grass across the street from her house!

  9. Hahaha! Caught the lady on camera in her bathrobe! Your mom should send it in to the local newspaper. What nerve 3 dogs and she doesn't pick up? In Florida unscooped dog poop is the worst! Love Dolly

    1. BOL! Oh, you are "bad" Dolly...sending it to the paper. The woman has some nerve, I tell you! Three dogs pooping on neighbor's lawns and not scooping. It is RUDE.

  10. Mom needs more freedom of the hands with three dogs on leash which is why it would be perfect for us to win! We only poop on walks, so Mom is always toting along bags in her hand with all our leashes.

    1. Hmmm, you sound like me...I only poop on walks too. BOL It does free up the hands Emma. It would be perfect for your mom.

  11. BOL! Oh your Ma is so funny! Great video Oz btw. It is nice to be hands free to take pictures and stuff.

    1. She is crazy, Miss Ann! BOL It is nice to be hands free!

  12. We want to join the giveaway. And stepping in poop is gross and wrecks your whole day (speaking from experience here) so you should pick it up! That neighbor of yours was literally doing the walk of shame!

    1. The walk of shame indeed, Mr. N! And you are right...stepping in poop ruins the whole day. Good luck in the giveaway!

  13. Oh, I definitely want a chance to win this. I have five Treeing Walker Coonhounds (all rescues), and typically take two of them at a time when we go for walks. In my own subdivision it's about 3/4 mile around, and there's a small park with a garbage can about midway around from my house. However, if one of my dogs poops on our walk, I use a poop bag and then have to carry it, along with dealing with two leashes, until either I get to that garbage can, or we get back to my house. If I take them on the walk/bike path by us, there ARE poop bags and garbage cans along the path, but they are spaced about a mile apart, so if I have to pick up, I have to carry the bag for up to a mile before I can throw it away. If I take them hiking at the Indiana Dunes or in the wooded parks around us, it can be much longer before we reach a garbage can. I always pick up after my own dogs, but can tell you that I see plenty of poop along our routes that isn't from my dogs. I think more people would pick up after their dogs if they didn't have to carry it to the next disposal site.

    1. You may be right. Some people just don't want to carry it after they scoop. The Fifth Paw surely takes care of that. It is a shame that so many do not scoop that is unfair to everyone. Good luck in the giveaway.

  14. Hey, what happened to all the signs you posted? You should report this on your community board. Oh we love The Fifth Paw and its the greatest invention and the best "fashionable" way to carry poop :-) Golden Thanks for being a fellow poop scooper #ScoopThatPoop. Golden Woofs

  15. WOOHOOO!!!!!!! Your giveaway is open in Canada too!?? I have seen three different blogs giving these away today but YOU my great and powerful furiend are the only one which is open to Canada!
    Thank woo!
    This would be so helpful while walking with 3 huskies! Usually I tie the poop bags to their leashes but most of the time they fall, off :/
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  16. Oops, just saw that part of the giveaway was to leave a certain comment, my bad!
    So YES I want to join the giveaway! And one reason to scoop poop, is because poop can carry harmful parasites and bacteria which can be super bad for curious pup sniffers!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  17. Pls enter me. One reason I scoop is because I hope more places will allow dogs if they see we will scoop the poop.

  18. Not scooping poop is just dirty. We have a serious problem here as well. I doubt the 5th paw would encourage anyone to start picking up after their dog(s). I like the idea of catching them on camera though! Mwahaha - post those pictures all over the neighborhood!

    I usually have my own version of the 5th paw - I usually double bag Blueberry's poop (if I have an entire hike to cart it around, I like to double bag it - it really keeps down the odor, especially if the wind is blowing the wrong way) and tie it onto the end of my hiking stick hook thingy.

  19. I really need to get these! Juggling two big dogs and two bags of poop gets a bit complicated on the walk ;)

  20. Thats a smart fifth paw :-)

  21. We would like to join the giveaway! Other people walk where we walk and no one wants to step in dog poop, or have to drag their own dog away from getting into it.
    Was that lady in her bathrobe? She couldn't have been far from home then, and still couldn't pick up? Great way to put the pressure on her!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  22. Sure would like to join the giveaway - that looks like a handy gadget to have on walkies! There are no fenced yards here, but lovely bike paths to walk along. Our usual walk is more like a hike and it gets difficult to carry everything. We always bag it!

  23. We would like to join b/c picking up poop and educating other owners about picking up their after their dog is something we are passionate about. We live in a condo community with lots of dogs and it is paramount that poo is picked up for the safety of all dogs and their owners...and for the safety of my shoes, lol

  24. When Mom and I were at the dog show on Friday, you would think those people would know better but it seems the "breed" exhibitors think they are to good to pick up their dogs poop. The sponsoring clubs hire kids to go around and scoop poop. We even came across a bag of poop that had been left on the grass. We would like to win one a fifth paw it would be ever so handy to have
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  25. Mom is sooooo glad we live out in the country and she doesn't have to scoop my poop. However, I did poop in the pet store once and mom had to scoop the poop and the best part she was totally embarrassed.

    Aroo to you,

  26. Holy crap ola Oz your mom is brave taking the pic of the lady in the robe, that cracked me up. Great post for today. I think the video and your great pictures of the fifth paw are super. Gotta tell ya the gman didn't wreck the solvit bag one bit. he just stuck his head in the side and grabbed the treats out. He best not wreck that bag, I love it, it is now my dog/camera bag for the hunt tests.

  27. My mom and I have made plans to take our boys for a walk tomorrow afternoon. I do pick up after Shiver and Chico when we go walking, but it would be nice to not have to hold the bag until we reach a trash can. It really isn't sanitary to leave dog poo laying around on a trail. It smells bad, can potentially pass diseases onto other dogs, and someone could step in it. Eww!

  28. The two times that we have had neighbors leave HUGE piles of poop right in front of our house, we have checked our security camera footage in hopes of catching the culprits for public shaming. So far the angles and light have not been right but we'll catch someone one of these days and the "WANTED" posters will go up everywhere!!!

  29. I don't want to enter the contest because we wouldn't use the fifth paw. We pee in our front yard and poop in the back yard except Jenny Sue our blind sissy spaniel. She prefers the front yard. We won't poop in anyone elses yard. That is why ma takes us to run in the big field. We like pooping there. But she does clean up after us.

  30. Oh wow. That's crazy. I can't believe someone is that rude to their own neighbors. Wonder if she feels bad now?

  31. wish we could get the fifth paw in the UK!

  32. I've been following the Fifth Paw on Amazon, waiting for the price to drop. Is it really as good as it looks? How hard is it to switch from leash to leash?

  33. I don't understand people who think they don't need to clean up. Besides what you mentioned, no one wants to smell it or step in it.


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier