
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Giving Revitamal a Try

Back in June, my very good friend Sugar the Golden Retriever wrote about revitalizing your pet with anti-aging supplements.  That post was about a specific supplement, Revitamal, which Sugar had been testing out.

As a senior dog, Sugar found that the Revitamal gave her heightened alertness and boosted her energy levels.  She recommended for me to try Revitamal now that I am a senior dog too.

Ma agreed and ordered a bottle for me.  It arrived on Monday.

I will be using this supplement daily and will let you know what kind of results Ma sees, just in case you are interested.

Happy Wordless (kinda) Wednesday!


  1. Yes Oz we would so be interested on your take of if it is any good. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. we will be waiting to see what results you get.

  3. Definitely interested in the results. Anything that's beneficial is something I'd consider.

  4. Hope it puts pep in your step. :) We found a supplement that is really working well for our two seniors (Thunder and Storm). It is wonderful when you find something that works!

  5. Hurry up with the results, I'm very senior.

  6. Can't wait to hear if you see any changes
    Lily & Edward

  7. Oh Oz I hope you get lots of new super powers with the supplement
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. Good luck with it Oz! Your handsome sure is showing in that photo pal!

  9. That's great that you will keep us informed about the results... my mom got sparkling eyes... bet she will try it too now...

  10. We are absolutely interested! I hope it works wonders for you, Oz!

  11. I would love to know how you do. Roxy is a senior dog too, and maybe could benefit from that.

  12. I am very interested in your results. My Wilson turned 11 back in May and while he hasn't slowed down too much yet, I would love a supplement that keeps him even perkier.

  13. Wilhelm also tried Revitamal in June and the results were nothing short of miraculous in just a few days, on less than their recommended dose!. And he is only 7. All the pets take it now, I have gone through 2 more bottles and actually need another; thanks for the reminder to order!

  14. Maybe it will even help your PAW. Speaking of that... hope that it is feeling better today.. and even BETTER Tomorrow.

  15. We need some of this so we can put it on our pawrents meals cuz they are very old.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Our "Mystery Kiss" series resumes tomorrow! FFHT is coming on Friday!

  16. We will be very interested to here about this. You know that Hazel is almost 10 and Bailey will be 12 in December.
    We just found out last night that our vet now does laser therapy - we are thinking about seeing if it would help Bailey.
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

  17. Oh I am definitely interested in the results!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  18. Katie has been taking it since June and is no longer needing her other meds and supplements for her arthritis. She had such bad arthritis in her paws, she wouldn't let anyone go near them, but now her paws are pain free. We are very happy with Revitamal.

    1. Oh I wonder if it would work for humans- my knees are really bad? I'll have to check the ingredients. X Susie

  19. We always thought you were very young for your age. But we hope it works and can't wait to hear about it! Love Dolly

  20. We read such good things about this on other blogs, that we decided to try it on our senior cat. It really does seem to have helped him....he actually put on some weight which he really needed to!
    Looking forward to hearing how it works for you, Oz.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  21. I'll be interested to see what you think for my sister's pup. I hope it works well for you, Oz!

  22. Woofs to you OZ. Hope the miracle Revitamal helps you out. Sugar is crossing her Golden PAWS. Golden Woofs

  23. We loved the Revitamal and noticed a difference. I'm sure you'll love it.

  24. Okay buddy, you be the guinea pig and tell us all about it.

    Aroo to you,

  25. We would be interested in how you make out with that Oz. We are both seniors too. Right now, mama has us on SomaPet and we are doing very well! xo Chloe and LadyBug

  26. Oz, you might be a Senior dog by age, but you've got a youthful spirit. Let us know how it works for you, Harley will be a Senior in a few years.

  27. I still have some of mine that I give to the rat boys when I can remember. They are naughty though and don't take drops well, lol. I should probably order some more for Shiner again, because I do think it helped her.

  28. Very interesting- we are busy researching supplements so can't wait to hear how it works for you. Kilo is only 2 and full of beans so we probably won't be testing this one yet but the holistic health care field fascinates me. Have a great week X Susie and Kilo the Pug


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier