
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Sweet Macey

I am taking a break from Wordless Wednesday to write this post for sweet Macey, a little girl related to our good friend Stella Rose Long.  Macey has not been feeling well and the doctors are trying really hard to figure out what is making her feel bad; I hear she has been a very brave little girl.  Stella Rose's mom asked that we write to Macey so she can read our posts and I, the great and powerful Oz the Terrier, am happy to oblige.

Macey, can you guess who I was named after?  The great wizard himself...The Wizard of Oz.  Have you seen that movie?  It is my Ma's favorite movie of all time!  For Halloween, I covered myself in green and granted wishes all day for those friends who brought me the brooms of witches.  It was exhausting.

I am a Cairn Terrier just like Toto making me not just great and powerful but brave too!  I have led my Ma and Daddy-dog through the Haunted Forest and not even a flying monkey could scare me.

OK, so I have never seen a flying monkey but I have rode in a canoe alongside alligators.  I don't bark at them but it's not because I am afraid, it's because I do not want to be a snack for one of them.

I bark at birds and fish though.  There is the great place I visit once in a while where I can eat at the restaurant and then walk out on the dock to bark at the Tarpon.  Those Tarpon are huge fish and they jump up out of the water if you have fish food for them.

You can see that I love doing outdoor things but I also like my quiet time indoors.  My  quiet time is when I write my blog and sometimes even a poem or two.  I am great at writing limericks - they are silly poems that make people laugh.   Do you want to hear one?  I wrote this one about myself a while back:

There once was an old dog in Delray
whose fur was starting to gray.
He went for a dye
to look young and spry
but the bald spot gave him away.

Did you laugh?  I sure hope so!  I have to go for now but you can come back and visit me any time you want.  You may want to come back a little later...just in case some of my friends leave you messages here too.  I am sure they will.

Your friend,


  1. We are think of that sweet girl today and her family.

  2. We are thinking of that sweetheart today too. And yes, we did laugh!! Weren't you really SCARED around those alligators???? xo Chloe and LadyBug

    1. No, we don't get scared around the alligators...we are just cautious. Where we go canoeing, they have seen canoes and kayaks before so they usually just ignore us. Of course, if I barked I don't know what would happen. BOL

  3. Macey is in our thoughts and prayers today Oz. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Do you want some coyotes, rattlesnakes and tarantulas to go along with your gators?

  5. Oz what a fun filled post for our sweet Macey! I know she will just adore learning all about the great and wonderful world you live in. OMDs you are brave and ride by alligators but you are one wants to turn into a snack on a beautimous day.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. that is an excellent limmerick Oz and we are sure it made Macey smile

  7. We are sure that Macey is enjoying all the special posts and stories just for her. We will have Macey and family in our thoughts all day
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Angel Greta

  8. Macey will be tickled pink OZ, all the love Blogville is given she is sure to get better real soon xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  9. WE laughed at your Limerick Oz... it was FUNNY...
    We are sending POTP fur Macey also...
    It was FUN to take a time off from Wordless Wednesday.

  10. What a great post Oz...We are sure Macey giggled at your limerick!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  11. I hope so much that all our POTP will help Macey today. And the great powerful Oz and his Limericks will help too, that's for sure, laugh is a wonderful medicine. btw: I'm glad that I'm anyway gray and have not make the same embarrassing experience like the dog of Delray :o)

  12. We have been thinking of Macey too
    Lily & Edward

  13. Looky all the love going to Macey!!!
    Are you smiling Macey???? I am!

  14. Sometimes a break is a good thing. You need to get your Dr. Oz running again so you can really help! You are very sweet to worry about Macey!

  15. I've got my paws crossed for Macey and when I say my prayers at night a say a special prayer for Macey.

    Aroo to you,

  16. I read about this yesterday, and I saw someone ask for us all to pray and send our thoughts to sweet Macey at 8:20am this morning. Macey, if your reading this, I prayed for you this morning, and will continue to do so. I hope you feel better soon, you have all of our support behind you.
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  17. Hope all went well for Macey.

  18. Macey said you should come live at her house where there are no alligators.
    stella rose

  19. I ope there be sum good news for Macey soon Oz my pal...I am shure dat yore larious blog wiv ave elp her

  20. That is a great post for a little girl, I hope your friend is ok.


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier