
Friday, December 19, 2014

It's Been a Long Week

It's been a very long week here at my house; so long that I haven't even been able to write a post or visit many of you, and for that I do apologize.  We are all excited for the Holiday but we got a little derailed as Ma had a terrierible toothache which came on quite suddenly and ended up needing a root canal.  I say, she should've been chewing her dental treats more regularly!

Oz the Terrier on his morning walk

I have been taking good care of Ma as her root canal was quite painful since the tooth was infected (abscessed).  I've made sure we had our big walks in the mornings and other big walks in the afternoon sunshine.  I think it helped her feel better.

Oz the Terrier enjoying the great South Florida weather

We have had beautiful weather here all week.  Lots of sunshine and cooler temperatures (in the 60F range)...great weather for walking and sitting in the grass.

How was your week?  Are you all set for your Holiday celebrations?


  1. Oh, your poor Mom! Maybe she needs some GREENIES for Christmas?????

    Sure do love this weather we're having. Wish it was like this all year round...

  2. Let's hope Mom gets some Greenies in her stockin.
    I've been busy snoopervising da painters. After I inspected dar work yesterday, I noticed some spots dat dey missed and had dem come back dis morning to fix. The house is stinky. Gotta get outside for some more fresh air.

  3. Oh my poor momma. Nothing worse than a toothache
    Lily & Edward

  4. Our dad had exactly the same thing last week - must be the tooth fairy feeling neglected at Christmas time

  5. Oh poor Mom, I do hopes she's feeling a lot betters now. There's sooo much for Moms to do this time of year and a horrid abscess doesn't help at all! Good to hear you've been helping out on the distracting walkies, that's what us pups are about!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  6. Poor, poor mum and we hope she is better now Oz. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. It's so good of you to keep your human well-exercised! Grreat job.

  8. We hope your Mama is feeling much better now are a very good and responsible people owner!!!
    Things are nutso crazy here at the Backyard.....wrapping paper and ribbon flying everywhere!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  9. Oz I hope your mom feels better and she needs no dentist during the holidays and you have a good christmas. maybe you can share some bullysticks with her?
    Easy Rider

  10. Zeesh, wooos poor mum, definitely needs to be chewing the dental treats BOL!!

    Thanks for the card OZ!! Hope you & yours have a merry Christmas and a bright and prosperous new yer,

    Nuk & Isis

  11. Root canals are never fun! Hope you are feeling much better now!

  12. OH nos Oz...not the dreaded RC. A toothache can make one feel bad all over. I bet from this day forward she will chew her dental sticks!
    Hugs madi your bfff

  13. Big ouch mum, get them choppers workin soon cos it's the festive season.
    Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

  14. Purrs to your Mom from all of us!!! We know you were taking the best care of her Oz!

  15. There is nothing worse than a toothache..ugh......stella rose

  16. I have to help Mom wrap gifts, but other than that, I think we are all ready. Bummer with the tooth thing and your mom, hopefully it's feeling better now. At least you keep her walking.

  17. Oh gosh, root canal sounds awful. Paws crossed that your mom heals quickly and easily.

  18. Root canals are not fun! Hope mom feels better now!
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

  19. Ugh, nothing in the world is worse than a toothache and dental work. I hope you feel better soon, and Oz, you keep track if your mom.

  20. OMD a CANAL in her toof's ROOTS??? OMD OZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz that is TERRIBLE to hear about... A Canal is NOT a good thingy to have anywhere NEAR her teefs... We are so very much sorry to hear this... Was her cheek all swelled up like when a Squirrel stores NUTS in his cheek??? OMD that would be HORRID...
    Of course she will be MUCH better now that you are tending to her EVERY need and whim and wish and want... Peeps are really NEEDIE you know...
    We hope that she is feeling 187% well before Santa Paws' big day...
    Take care of her...
    Tell her that YOUR FURENDS... Furt and Turt are sending her some POTP...

  21. You're so cute in your pictures, Oz! I sure hope your mom is feeling better. I've never had terrible tooth pain so I don't know what she's going through. Sounds awful. Take care, and have a wonderful holiday week!

  22. Hi Oz, You'll have to tell your mom I had a root canal last week-apparently I had an infection going for over two years before it abscessed. I'm hoping I don't ever need another one. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and Merry Christmas!
    Noreen & Hunter

  23. Yep, they're always watchin' OUR teeth.

  24. Root canal!? Yikes! Hope she's better now!

  25. OMD!!!! I thinks Ma just fainted!!! Ma? Ma?... Oh, she's comin' round... Oh, she hates those!!! she had two of those befores, and they stink!!! She is sooooooo hopin' she is feelin' better, and won;t need another one of those anytime soon!!!
    Nows, you been gettin' TWO walkies a day?? Oh man, am I jealous!! It's been rainin' and rainin' here, so only one walkie a day. pfffffft!!! not fair! Can I come stay with you til this rain stops? I will bring some dental chews for your Moms! ☺
    Ruby ♥

  26. We hope your mama is feeling all better for the Christmas feast!

  27. Hope your momma's mouth feels all better!

  28. Oh my mom is so scared of the dentist and she feels very bad for your mom, Hope she feels better soon.

    Aroo to you,

  29. Thank goodness you are there to take such good care of your mom.. We hope she feels better soon!

  30. Oh no your poor Mom!!! Hoping that she is feeling much better!!! Oz, you kill me, that she "needed to chew more dental treats" xoxoxo

  31. U look so cute! Merry Crispmouse!

  32. Oh your poor mom! I have had many tooth troubles in my life, starting with knocking out my front teeth at age 13. In my thirties I had a badly abcessed tooth just like your mom, and the pain was unbearable. The only good thing is the root canal means that tooth never hurts like that again. Take good care of her Oz. (terrible time for dental woes too)

  33. So sorry to hear about your Mom's root canal, Oz, that is no fun at all. At least you had some nice weather to help her feel better....we've had clouds here for well over a week now (we finally have sunshine this morning).
    We are busy getting ready for Christmas and off to our first family party out of state today. Hope your Mom is feeling much better now, have a great weekend!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  34. We sure hope your mom's tooth and root canal are much better, so she will be able to eat Christmas dinner.

  35. I have never had a toothache but mom says they are terrible. So we are glad your mom got it taken care of and hope it feels much better.

    Your Pals,


  36. Wow, Oz, I sure hope your Ma is feeling better now! That's no way to spend the holiday with all of the yummers around. I've been busy opening pressies and cards. :)
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  37. Ugh, nothing worse than back pain. Hope you are feeling better! Happy holidays!

  38. Oh no! I hate hate hate tooth pain!!!! EEK! I have had my share of it, and it is just not fun!
    Feel better!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  39. Sorry for your mama's dental problems. I hope she's feeling better now.

  40. Thanks for taking such good care of your Ma, Oz. We have had SO many derailed weeks this year... this week being another one for us too! I am so excited for 2015 I would speed up time to get there faster if I could. Tell your Ma to keep resting and send her well wished from all of us Cascadian Nomads!

  41. Sorry to hear about your mom's tooth. You are lucky to have some sunshine to help her feel better. We have had clouds for about 2 weeks straight.

  42. Oz I'm so glad you were there to help your mom out, root canals are awful. You are a good buddy.

  43. Hope your mom feels better!

  44. Hi Oz as you can see we are a bit behind on the visiting too. We wanted to tell your mom that we hope she is feeling much better now and we can tell you took really good care of her. Sorry about your good weather, we are in week 3 of dreary, gray days. Love Dolly

  45. ooooh ICK. Your poor MOM!!!

  46. Nice work. You keep working on this blog please.
    Dental Cleaning


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier