Thursday, January 22, 2015

Could Rejeneril be the Fountain of Youth for Dogs?

At Ultimate Pet, their mission is to help keep furry companions as healthy as possible for as long as possible.  They do this by pouring their heart and soul into one product, Rejeneril®, a new supplement that is bound to transform your dog into his more youthful self.

Oz the Terrier reviews Rejeneril anti-aging supplemt for dogs by Ultimate Pet

Rejeneril is a patented, scientifically-validated vitamin, mineral and amino acid supplement for dogs.  It is developed to rejuvenate mitochondrial energy for your pet.

What is mitochondrial energy?  It is chemical energy - ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate - which is the main source of energy for the majority of cellular functions as well as maintenance of cell structure.

Keeping your dog's cellular functions and structures healthy can bring a multitude of benefits including, but not limited to:
  • Improving overall health and longevity;
  • Helping build a stronger immune system; and
  • Reducing arthritis and joint pain.

Rejeneril can be added right in to a dog's food.  Ma said she noticed a slight odor from it but that slight odor didn't stop me from eating my food.  The daily amount to be used is based on the size of the dog.  At 20 pounds, I get 1-4 drops in my food per day.

Ingredients:  Palladium a-lipoic acid complex, vitamin A acetate, B1 and a riboflavin complex, as well as N-acetyl cysteine, N-formyl methione, B12, molybdenum, rhodium and ruthenium.

Why I Tried Rejeneril
As a senior dog, who once broke a couple of the little bones of my wrist in my front paw, Ma has started to notice that my wrist joint can be very stiff at times.  In addition, she has noticed that I sometimes limp that paw along in the mornings.  She isn't always sure if it actually hurts but she does wonder every once in a while if it does when I will not go for a long walk.

Clinically-proven Rejeneril by Ultimate Pet improves an aging dog's health and energy levels

When Ma read that Rejeneril can help reduce arthritis and joint pain, she was interested to give it a try.  I have been taking 2-4 drops in my food every day for about a month.  Ma has noticed that my wrist is not as stiff, especially in the mornings, since I began taking the supplement.  My energy level is up too.

Do you want more energy and less of the aches and pains of aging?  Do you want to dip your paw into the Fountain of Youth?  

If you answered yes and would like to try some Rejeneril for yourself, you can get a 10% discount by using my discount code - OzTheTerrier - when you place your order at My Ultimate Pet.  Your purchased is backed by their 100% hassle-free money back guarantee within the first 30 days if you do not see improvement in your dog's health and energy.

You can also enter my giveaway for a chance to win one FREE bottle of Rejeneril®.  Open to U.S. residents only.

Post Disclaimer: I received Rejeneril by Ultimate Pet for free in exchange for an honest review. I received no other compensation for this post. Ultimate Pet is not responsible for the content of this post.


  1. Sounds like a very interesting product Oz! Do you think it would work on our mama??? We will have to give it a try! xo Chloe and LadyBug

    1. Jeanne,

      You should try it! I'm certain it will be helpful for your puppies. :)

  2. We have been thrilled with Rejeneril here too Oz! Look for our review soon.

  3. Well I'm still a yoof but growing up fast Mum says....I luffs your harness, finks that orange looks great
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. Sounds well interesting Oz. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. that sounds really like a magic potion. I have that problem you described with your paw too, it's my hind paw what I hurt as I was a puppy.... we will look for that magic potion, maybe it helps me too?
    Easy Rider

    1. Heya Mark!

      I highly recommend checking out Rejeneril — if you have a similar problem to what Oz has, then Rejeneril might just be what you need.

      Check out the website at — and if you use the discount code OzTheTerrier, you'll save 10% on your order and get free shipping. :)

  6. So happy to hear that you found a supplement to help. Brown dawgs are on a supplement and it has worked well to in the ways that you describe. It is great when you find something that helps.

    1. Nice! What supplement are you using?

  7. Oh this sounds fabulous Oz! I wish the best of luck to all the U.S'ers who enter!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  8. OMD we HOPE it makes your wrist feel better Oz... Do you suppose it would make our mom and dad Younger? We could slip some of this into their coffee.

  9. We would love to find something that would help Bailey feel better. He has very bad hips and it is taking its toll.
    This sounds interesting!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

    1. Mabel is getting more zany everyday! At 10 yrs, Hazel could benefit from this too, she is not as playful as she used to be
      hugs again!

    2. Heya Bailey, Hazel, and Mabel,

      I highly recommend checking out Rejeneril. And with Oz's 10% off discount code (OzTheTerrier), you'll get 10% off and free shipping at :)

    3. Mom used the code and ordered some yesterday!

  10. Hey Oz,

    Well first off, I would like to compliment you on your incredible writing skills – mom must be very proud. I have two Terrier FurKids and I can honestly tell you that they would not have the attention span to commit to writing a blog (unless it was written on a block of cheese)!

    Having said this I would like to thank you and your mom (since she is the reader in the family) for the wonderful review on Rejeneril. As a nutritional researcher (of the humankind) I discovered Rejeneril quite a few years back and it made such a profound positive difference in my little rescue boy and my little girl that I had no other choice but to bring its message to the world.

    By the way, after 6 years on Rejeneril, my little girl is now 12 and people still stop me to pet the puppy! I have no doubt that Rejeneril can do the same for you and all your buddies (just think how happy their mom's and dad's will be).

    Cheers to you for sharing your pawsitively amazing stories and reviews with all the other Furkid parents of the world for a lot, lot longer! You just gained another follower :)

    Yours in Abundant Health, Happiness and Longevity,

    Brad King

    Dad to Kira and Jake
    President of Ultimate Pet Inc.

  11. Oh My OZ!!! Love to know more about this product. Sugar is on a similar product and wondering the difference. Sugar is 13 yrs old and keeping her healthy and young is important to us. As you know, Sugar remains very active .... she still runs/walks about 4 miles a day + stair climbing. Glad to hear Rejeneril is helping you. Golden Woofs

  12. Hi Golden Woofs,

    I would love to find out about the supplement that Sugar is on, but I can assure you there is nothing else like Rejeneril out there. As a nutritional researcher I searched everywhere for the "so-called" perfect product that would keep my FurKids as healthy as possible for as long as possible. When I finally found Rejeneril, I was so impressed with the science, but more impressed by how it worked in the real world (in Kira and Jake).

    Rejeneril enhances energy production within every living cell - it allows the cell to take in more oxygen and use it more effectively to produce its natural energy (called ATP).

    Every cell in an animal’s body (including us) is dependent on the amount of energy it can process efficiently. Even the strength of Sugar's immune system depends on how sufficient those immune cells are creating energy.

    Rejeneril simply allows that natural energy process to become more efficient - in a sense fine tuning it or super charging it so Sugars cells run better!

    Please check out for more info :).

    Yours in Abundant Health, Happiness and Longevity,

    Brad King

  13. Hope it helps you out. We have Katie on some great stuff now, and are trying a new product as well, so I don't think we will try this at this time, but it is good to know about.

  14. We were a wondering if this might help maggies torn up muscle in her back leg. Someone at the bad puppy mill stepped on her back leg as a tiny teeny puppy so she could not be sold, yayayay cos she came to live wif us instead, but when she wants to scratch her scratch she cannot raise her back leg.......stella rose

  15. I need a gallon of that stuff for my pawrents!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. Well, Ma should be on this stuffs!!! BOL!!! Hey, does it go in margaritas???? I thinks that would be a good place for it!
    It sure does sound like a pawsome thing to try, Ma will check it out for me!
    now...time for a margarita...and a treatie....not necessarily in that order!
    Ruby ♥

  17. great review, I'm glad it working for you. I love senior dogs but it can be hard on them.

  18. I began using Rejeneril on January 1st. It has made the most amazing difference in Bentley. I will use it forever. Highly recommend!

  19. I have a German Shepard/Rottweiler mix named Bullet and he is the most relaxed and sweetest dog. He gets a little hyper when I come home in the afternoon, but other than that he is really calm.

  20. Baron could try this for his allergies!

  21. Aw Oz, we didn't know you'd once broken your wrist in your paw. That's so good of your mum to carefully watch out for you like this. Purrs, Maxwell, Faraday & Allie

  22. Both my dogs are high energy, crazy boys.

  23. Mr. N is pretty bouncy but he had a leg fracture in his youth.

  24. My dogs love to wrestle and pretend to kill each other. It is amazing that they never hurt each other.

  25. Both my dogs have good energy for their age, but they do get a few aches and pains now and then.


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier