
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Dress Up? In My House?

Happy National Dress Up Your Pet Day!

You may not know this, as I have been seen "dressed up" on this blog from time to time, but in my house, dogs are not allowed to be in clothes.  This is according to Daddy-dog, not Ma.  Daddy-dog thinks dogs do not belong in clothes.  *rolls eyes*

Now, when we go camping, things are different.  After the camping trip when we all froze our butts off - it was in the 40s F at night in Florida! and we camp in a tent! - and I shivered all night, Daddy-dog does allow me some hoodie sweatshirts and t-shirts because he doesn't want me to suffer.  Thank dog.

But most days it is "no dress up for Oz" day Ma, you have figured out a way around this Daddy-dog imposed rule.  The way around the rule is:

Buy clothing for Oz that Daddy-dog cannot resist!  Items say with Georgia Tech emblazoned on them (Go Yellow Jackets!!!) or...the national Soccer Team of Colombia (GOL!).  If you do this, not only will Daddy-dog allow me to wear clothes but he will take (not good) photos of me and share them with the whole family (as seen below).  BOL!

Oz the Terrier wears Georgia Tech NCAA jersey

Oz the Terrier wears Colombia National Soccer Team FIFA 2014 jersey

Personally, I don't mind wearing clothes.  How about you?  Can you dress up or do you have weird rules imposed upon you?

Happy BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday!


  1. BOL, dere's always eggceptions for sports wif daddies.

  2. Looking well cool Oz my fine friend. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Well I finks you looks very handsome in you outfits! (Sorry Dad!)
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. As you might remember, Pip LOVED wearing clothes. I can take it or leave it, but fortunately I can fit in most of his coats and sweaters so I have them if I want them.

  5. ha! you have a super clever mom! what a brilliant idea! I mostly go nekked, because I eat my clothes... I mean when they keep me warm from outside, they can be warm from the inside too, right?
    Easy Rider

  6. That's a great way to get around the rules. No rules here, Roxy likes clothes, especially stuff that keeps her warm.

  7. Oz, we ♡U! You left a wonderful post on our blog today that was accidentally deleted (oh no). Please post again at!

  8. Your mom is sort of SNEAKY... WE like THAT...
    We think you look QUITE handsome in your Stylish Duds...

    WE like to dress up..

  9. I'm with Daddy on this one. Our peeps don't dress us up, not even for sports teams. They are really into sports but not to the extent that they impose that on us.

  10. if we didn't have big furry coats we are sure our Mom would have an assortment of warmers for us too

  11. Ah, it looks like you've solved the Daddy-dog "No Dog Clothes" dilemma! We don't dress up a lot around here except for Halloween and Pittsburgh Steelers games!

  12. My dogs are the ones who issue the rule: NO CLOTHES ON US!

  13. Monty and Harlow are a little too big for clothes, but are okay with bandanas and hats. You look spiffy in your clothes.

    Monty and Harlow

  14. Looking good! My pawrents are the opposite -- my dad loves to put my Hawaiian shirt on me and cruise around in our convertible. We leave mom behind and act real cool!!

  15. My brother is opposed to dog clothes too, so I was surprised when his wife showed up at Christmas with their miniature dachshund in a pink sweater. She said he allows doggie sweaters when it's cold outside.

  16. Me??? Clothes???? BOL!!!!!!!!! OMD!!!! BOL!!!!!! Nopes. Wells, I do likes my new bandana Millie gots me for Christmas!! Butts, that's as far as my 'clothes' goes! Oh, I do have a rain coat..I do likes wearing that in gully washers!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: I do loves your sweatshirt!!

  17. I HATE dressing up! Even my halter turns me into a statue for a few minutes. Stanley doesn't mind though.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. We can't believe daddy lets you walk around necked
    Lily & Edward

  19. Oz my husband feels the same way he rolls his eyes at me when I dress up the dogs and likes to leave the house at that time. You look cute in all your clothes.

  20. oh daddy, just go with it. Aren't the oooohs from women enough to keep Oz in clothes? LeeAnna

  21. Haha what a great workaround. You sure look cozy in your hoodie!

  22. We only wear clothes for photos, otherwise our furs are good enough to wear in the house, or out and about any time of the year.

  23. Good job working around Daddy Dog's silly rules! Our Daddy dog feels the same, but we do what we want anyway. LOL However, the girls don't like dressing up much, so they're glad I didn't know about this day!

  24. BOL my dad doesn't like mom to put clothes on me either.

    Aroo to you,

  25. BOL!! I love to wear a girly dress when there is a pawty. I am very fluffy, so I don't get to dress up as much as I'd like, but Mom doesn't want me to get hot. I dress up for indoor pawties = air conditioning. I dress in warm clothes if it is freezing outside, and of course I dress up for holidays!

  26. There are no rules against dressing up in our house. We have thick enough coats that we don't require any coats or shirts but when it was -4° F outside this morning our mom put booties on our feets. We weren't too happy until we got outside and then we realized why we needed them.

  27. My mom says good on your mom for finding a way around your daddy dog's rule! BOL Sometimes mom has me wear clothes, but not to often. Usually just if, like lately, it's super cold out. Occasionally something cute for a holiday!

  28. BOL, no weird rules in our pack, as long as we're comfortable...we usually only wear practical clothing though, such as raincoats or winter jackets because our fur is so thin...and during major football (you know, the REAL international football) events, mommy dresses us up Germany jerseys, because that's where she's from, and we support her craziness ;-)

  29. Oh we are all about clothes here, but aside from Halloween, these humans tend to keep it to shirts, sweater, and harnesses... only non-functional items are things like bow tie collars and necktie collars, teehee. *wags* - Gilligan from

  30. That's a great way to get to dress up! My dogs don't really like it, even when we put warm winter coats on them during camping... so it's a rarity around here. Our dogs run around the house naked :)

  31. We are a house divided...Dory and Arty love dressing up...Jakey and Bilbo do NOT like dressing up.
    Jakey has found a way around this tho.....
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  32. BOL! Oz you are dressing-up with a purpose ... very stylish too. Golden Woofs

  33. I dress my huskies up from time to time. I think you look FAB!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  34. Only really halloween and Santy Paws time - unless waterproofings when out on a walk!

  35. LOL looks like you have things all all figured out! Brown dawgs only wear their hunting vests during hunting season...that's it.

  36. Oh, Poo Daddy-Dog, you are no fun! We girl are free to dress up as much as we want! Daddy doesn't love it but tough tarts!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Cathy, Isis & Phoebe


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier