Monday, July 27, 2015

Kathy Ireland Loved Ones Durable Dog Toys

"Our pets are truly members of our family and we want these loved ones to know 
how important they are to us every day." -- Kathy Ireland, via

Last week I talked about choosing a new dog toy and the dog toy I chose was my new Kathy Ireland® Loved Ones Crinkle and Chew Bunny toy.  It is made from durable fabrics so a dog should be able to chew and chew without damaging the toy.  I have been playing with it regularly, including some games of tug, and it is holding up well.

Oz the Terrier with Kathy Ireland Loved Ones Crinkle and Chew Bunny Toy

The reason Ma made me choose a toy is because I received several other Loved Ones toys as well.  Since I have an abundance of toys, Ma says I only need one new toy at the moment.

Kathy Ireland Loved Ones offers innovative, home decor inspired dog and cat toys that are durable and designed to satisfy a variety of play styles.  Besides receiving the Crinkle and Chew Bunny, I also received the Durable Fox Toy, Durable Blue Whale Toy and the Durable Pink Bear Toy.  All Kathy Ireland Loved Ones toys are made to be durable by using strong fabrics and an inner lining for strength.

Oz the Terrier with Kathy Ireland Loved Ones dog toys

The Durable Blue Whale has a squeaker, which is always fun, as well as a heart-shaped pocket for stashing treats.  The Durable Pink Bear is a strong stuffy that is great for chewing and/or playing tug.  The Loved Ones line of toys can be surface washed with warm water and a mild soap.

Kathy Ireland Loved Ones durable whale toy with treat pocket and durable bear toy

The Durable Fox Toy was a recent giveaway in my newsletter, which now offers exclusive giveaways for readers.  The winner, Buddy the rescued Boxer, has been giving the Durable Fox a real chewing workout.  His mom says the reinforced toy is holding up really well!

Since I still have two Kathy Ireland Loved Ones toys, the Blue Whale and the Pink Bear, I thought maybe two readers would like to test out this line of products as well.  I am offering both in the giveaway below - two winners, one toy each - open to ALL readers no matter where you live (as I will be mailing the prizes).   Good luck!

Kathy Ireland Loved Ones Durable Whale Toy & Durable Bear Toy

Kathy Ireland Loved Ones collection of pet products are available at Amazon HERE.

Do you think the Kathy Ireland Loved Ones toys 
can stand up to your style of play?  Why or why not?


  1. they do sound excellent but sadly neither of u play with toys anymore - we have a whole box of them just sitting there - my tries to encourage us to play with them but we just give her that 'what is wrong with you woman' look :)

  2. oh you can hide a treat in that toy? that rocks! do you think that toys are strong enough for a silvermistygrey wreckingball too?
    easy rider

  3. Mum says she likes the idea of a durable toy and I finks I'd haf funs trying to prove its not durable, HeHe!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. OMCs mom has a thing for bears and this one is adorable.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  5. My dad wants to enter and if He wins, He'll select Kathy herself.

  6. OMD mom was squealing how cute you looked with you durable toy in you mouth. She loves it when I walk around with my stuffie in my mouth whimpering.

    Aroo to you,

  7. OMD, mom thinks they are so cute and she thinks it's a win win if I can't dead it!!! We are going to have to preform some surgeries soon on some of my stuffies.....i love to dead them and take out their innards!!! BOL!!!!


  8. Love these Kathy Ireland Loved Ones toys, Oz! The colors are really pretty and if a boxer can't destroy it, then you and even Jasper won't either and I like that! We've signed up for your giveaway. Sophie & Jasper are wishing everyone good luck!

  9. I love the Blue Durable Whale! My dogs love swimming in the pool and whales swim in water too! Perfect match!

  10. Those are some cool toys
    Lily & Edward

  11. I think the Pink Bear would be better because it has arms and legs to grab onto.

  12. Bailie is a ripper. She plays nice for a time, then she holds the toy tight in her paws and rips it with her mouth. We haven't found one that could handle her torture yet!

  13. We can be pretty tough on toys, but we are up for the challenge:)

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  14. The first thing that Luke and Sheba try to chew off any toy are the we like the Blue Whale best since it has less of those for them to get at! We'd love to see if it could stand up to their destructiveness.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. Both of the toys look nice, but I would probaly like the bear cause he has legs and fuzzies on his ears!

  16. I would love to try one of these toys!!!

  17. Jakey has never me a toy he didn't love!! We would love to test one out!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  18. We love toys. We have a giant pile of them and mom moves then downstairs and I bring them back into the living room. It's a thing we do. Seriously, your mom thinks you have too many toys? This isn't even pawsible and trust us, we've pushed the limits!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. We love your toys. Wish it was ours :)

  20. Just curious about what causes the crinkle noise. Is this one that has a plastic water bottle inside? Honey loves them.

    Someone told me that sharks are attracted to the noise of crinkly water bottles. Do you think it's true?

  21. Oh, and the blue whale seems like the appropriate choice for a puppy who is going to live on a sailboat, don't you think?

  22. Those sure are cute toys! You are too Oz! :)

  23. I so want one of those. Kathy Ireland is so beautiful and smart and clever, we can't wait to get one!

    Abby Lab

  24. I would sure as heck give them a try they look like a lot of fun! Love Dolly

  25. Ding ding ding ding Oz Hello Oz ~ Well the green ears on the bunny matches our living room and that color green is like Lee's favorite color. Now pink matches our Waverly prints in the back room and well blue our bedroom is blue. Yep those are designer colors and prints rate high on Lees mindset. Why my toys would look like accessories if I had those.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  26. that toy looks wonderful to me!

  27. that bunny is too darn cute and would be great for the puppies to play with

  28. Not sure what happened to our comment??? Anyway, these look like great toys and we never knew that Kathy Ireland even made dog toys! They are a bit too big for us. Love the pics!

  29. These toys are super cute! I like the pink bear best, just because it's cuter LOL!
    Great giveaway too!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. UGH I copied and pasted my signature coad rather than my twitter post url, and clicked enter too quickly. My apologies!!!! I did tweet though, promise! LOL

  30. I think dat da BLUE Whale has my name on it!

  31. OMD, those are sooooo adorables Oz! I wants the Pink Bear if I am chosen. You gets to try the bestest thingies!
    Ruby ♥

  32. I like the blue whale, bigger and flatter doggiebisket at Hotmail is preferred :) Woof!


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier