
Monday, February 15, 2016

6 Traits of Responsible Pet Owners #BeSleepypodSafe

February is Responsible Pet Owners Month, a great opportunity to consider what makes up a responsible pet owner.  Pets are our companions, our family, and it is our responsibility as pet parents to provide them with everything they need to have a healthy and happy life.

Oz the Terrier 6 Traits of Responsible Pet Owners #BeSleepypodSafe

This post is sponsored by Sleepypod.  I am being compensated for sharing information about Sleepypod products but Oz the Terrier only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers.  Sleepypod is not responsible for the content of this article.

When I think of what makes a responsible pet owner, the following 6 traits come to mind.  To me, Responsible Pet Owners:

Spend quality time with their pet.  Whether it is bonding during a play or cuddle session, carving out time for training in obedience, tricks or agility or socializing your pet with other dogs as well as adults and children, Responsible Pet Owners know that any or all of those things will make for a well-adjusted and happy pet.

Make health a priority. Annual visits to the veterinarian for vaccinations and check-ups are crucial to maintaining your pet’s overall health. In addition, Responsible Pet Owners provide their pet with regular physical and mental exercise to maintain proper health and weight.

Prepare accordingly. Depending on where they live, Responsible Pet Owners are sure to include their pets in their emergency and natural disaster plans, making sure they have needed supplies and an evacuation spot that accepts pets available.  In addition, they are prepared for minor injuries their pets may sustain and may even know pet first aid.

Always have safety in mind. No matter if it is a trip to the vet, the local park or a long road trip, Responsible Pet Owners are sure to have the proper car safety equipment for their pets.  Some pets are better suited to a travel cage, others may need a travel carrier or a safety harness like those made by Sleepypod.

Oz the Terrier 6 Traits of Responsible Pet Owners includes travel safety #BeSleepypodSafe

Sleepypods carriers and harnesses, like the Clickit Sport harness that Oz wears, are designed with the Pet Passenger Restraint System (PPRS), Sleepypod’s safety system that secures a pet in a vehicle and restricts harmful movement resulting from a sudden stop or vehicle collision.  All of Sleepypod’s products have gone through dynamic crash testing at the standard set for child safety restraints to ensure every pet’s safety.

Keep it clean.  I can never say this enough: Responsible Pet Owners clean their pet’s cage, litter box and/or Scoop That Poop!

Love them to the last.  Responsible Pet Owners know pets are not just for the moment; they are for the life of the pet.  If you cannot make the commitment to love a pet to the end of his/her days, then maybe a pet is not for you.

How would you complete the sentence, “Responsible Pet Owners….”?


  1. Excellent article! Thanks for all the tips! Hope you all had a very Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Well my peeps haf lots of ticks there butts I needs to get them to sort a sleepypod fur me I finks
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. .... do anything with love :o) What a pawsome post Oz, we will try to be responsible pet owners and we follow the rule : weimaraner furst :o)

  4. Know they are making a life long commitment and take care of their pets. Great points!

  5. Oz....I love how you, your Mom and DogDaddy love each other and take care of each other. That photo of your mom giving you some sugar is adorable.

    Oh I must tell you a hurricane story. My human sis and her hubby moved to Coastal NC with their first kitty Cali, in 1998. Both sis and BIL were born here so being 2 miles from the Atlantic Ocean was new to them. During their first hurricane warning (no storm just a warning) down there Mom called once to see how they were doing. BIL answered the phone...he said sis could not come because she was sitting on Cali's PTU, watching the weather channel. She had a flash light and Cali's food..and sis had her pocketbook over her shoulder ready to leave evacuate if need be. Over the years they have learned a lot...but mom always thought that was funny.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. Good post, we need to keep the hoomans on their toes!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. We couldn't agree more! We would add that they feed their dogs a healthy diet and don't overfeed!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  8. Great examples! We try to also great plenty of exercise and feed them great food.

  9. Mom says we are her kids, our needs are always just as important!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  10. GREAT post!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  11. All excellent examples of responsible pet ownership, I love that you included Preparedness in your list. I'd add that responsible owners spay/neuter and microchip their pets! I love the Skeepypod product line, very stylish & safe.
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  12. All excellent examples of responsible pet ownership, I love that you included Preparedness in your list. I'd add that responsible owners spay/neuter and microchip their pets! I love the Skeepypod product line, very stylish & safe.
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  13. make sure their pets have a good quality of life! Mr. N says I still owe him a walk.

  14. I think my mom is. She lives for us and gives us all the opportunities she can. She tries to make our life as good as can be.

  15. That's some great information to share
    Lily & Edward

  16. I wish that I knew the name of the owner of two dogs that were running back and forth in evening traffic tonight. I have seen too many dogs killed on my street because the owners open up to door and let the dog out to do their business unsupervised. I would send them this missive.

  17. Your tips are all spot on! The only thing I would add is to meet them where they are at, except and love them as they are.

  18. I thought of you today when I took my chi boys for a walk. There were lots of other doggies out today and they weren't as reactive as they've been in the past, although they did still bark as we passed some of them.

  19. What great tips!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  20. Those are all good points.


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier