
Monday, March 14, 2016

#PetTales Twitter Party This Wednesday!

You are invited to #PetTales Twitter Party this Wednesday, 12:00 PM EST.

Oz the Terrier is panelist at #PetTales Twitter Party to announce launch of new products at Global Pet Expo

The #PetTales Twitter Party is sponsored by RPG Innovations.  I am being compensated for spreading the word about new products launched at Global Pet Expo but Oz the Terrier only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers.  RPG Innovations is not responsible for the content of this article.

Join me, Preston Speaks, Sugar the Golden Retriever, Rocco Havanese and Shorty Rossi for a fun chat about the great new products being launched at Global Pet Expo by OUT! Pet Care, Simple Solution, Vet's Best and Bags on Board.

An RSVP is appreciated for you to join the Party -

I look forward to seeing you all on Twitter at noon on Wednesday for this exciting and fun Party!


  1. I wish I could 'cos i DO haf alot to say fur myselfs but I doesn't do twitter *sigh*
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. my momma sadly has no twitter account.... I think she should make me one... the silvermistygrey berd wants to tweet too :o)

  3. OH OZ.... we just hate it that our mom won't allow US to be Twitterpated.

  4. Ohhhh you are gonna have a pet conference twitter. That should be fun. All mom does is blog and send email. No twittering here or FB
    Have fun and we send wishes for a successful event
    Madi your bfff

  5. If I tweeted, I'd Twitter with ya. Best of luck!

    Aroo to you,

  6. These parties are always at times when mom is working, rats!
    Lily & Edward

  7. We don't tweet but we would if we did
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

  8. I don't tweet. I SQUAAAWK.

  9. I asked mom to tweet and she said she could tweet but has no idea where it goes. She is confused with Twitter.

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. One ringy dingy... two ringy dingy. Have I reached the party to whom I am speaking? Oz The Great and Powerful Oz, Tweet Tweet Tweet went the Birdie but sadly I am an old school dog and I don't tweet on Twitter. But I know with your advertisement they will have a following.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  11. I wrote it on my calendar so hopefully I will be there.

  12. OH, that sounds PAWSOME!!!! Too bad Ma doesn't lets me have the tweeter account...she says I gets in too much troubles...whatevers. Maybe I can sneak a profile in and she won't notice! Yeah, that's the ticket!!! Maybe I'll see you there!
    Ruby ♥


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier