
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Building in Memphis #HabitatCWP

"Then I'm walking in Memphis; walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale..."
- Walking in Memphis, Marc Cohn

I have not been around much and that is because Ma and Daddy-dog were up in Memphis co-leading the construction of one house at the 33rd annual Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project with Habitat for Humanity. Here they are at the end of the week with President and Mrs. Carter in front of the house they helped build.

habitat for humanity carter work project 2016 house 2 team with president and mrs carter

They had a fantastic time volunteering with their crew of volunteers - Carter Work Project veterans as well as teams from Nissan and Altisource. The weather got H-O-T during the week, reaching a "feels like" temperature of 108 F, but their team got a ton of work done! Just look at their home site on day one before they started; those are the interior and exterior walls all piled up on the foundation.

carter work project 2016 day 1 of house 2

Walls were raised, a porch beam was built, earthquake straps were nailed off, the house was wrapped and blueboarded (to keep out moisture) and the trusses were erected. They got a ton of work done and had fun doing it. Woof-hoo!

HFH carter work project 2016 house 2 walls up

Ma and Daddy-dog went to Memphis with three friends - Uncle Robbie, Aunt Linda D and Aunt Mary Lou. They made it a big road trip and drove straight through the night to get there. On the way back, they stopped at Suwannee River State Park and cabin-camped for a few days of rest and relaxation. Their trip was made possible by our friends at JM Family Enterprises and Southeast Toyota who kindly gave them a 2016 Toyota Sequoia SUV. I got a few rides in it and will tell you all about it in another post!

Toyota Sequoia 2016 at suwannee river state park

Anyway, I am glad to have Ma and Daddy-dog back home. I apologize that it has taken us another week to get back into the swing of things on the blog and social media but hopefully we are back for good now. We missed you all and hope the last few weeks have been kind to you.

Tomorrow will be my 12th birthday and I am going to be celebrating Birthday Fun with a giveaway here on my blog so be sure to stop by!


  1. that is like magic to see how fast your pawrents can build a house!!! and the best is they are back to celebrate with you!!!

  2. Your daddy is awesome, Oz!

  3. Wow they are fast!!! Great job to you all!!! Happy they came back to you at the end and you had a great time together!!!Thanks for posting.

  4. Your Ma and Daddy-dog really do great work working with the Habitat for Humanity community. All those pieces is like putting a puzzle together. Happy Birthday tomorrow Oz The Great. Is that you Ma on the end Oz?
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  5. Oh Oz we missed you but OMCs what a wonderful thing Ma and Dad-dog did!! So your absence is okey dokey. Kitty kisses to them from me.
    You will be 12 tomorrow...that is amazing. I will surely be back to see you.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. What a grreat time for Ma and Daddy-dog!

  7. Kudos to you guys!! Great organization
    Lily & Edward

  8. Our mom saw on FB what you were doing and said it was very good! Happy Birfday Eve Oz!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. We have trouble getting back on track after just a day or two, a week or more would take a long time. Everyone is here when you are back blogging.

  10. we are happy to see you back OZ! and just in time for your birthday. Your mom and daddy dog are super peeps to work on these projects!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. Hiya Oz!!! What great work your pawrents do for others!! We bet you are very proud of them!!!

    We are so glad they are home safe, sound and most important, in time to celebrate your 12th Barkday!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  12. Your Mom and Pop are TOTALLY PAWESOME!! They are so talented and give sooo much back! We just love that!!!!!!! Did you know that Marc Cohn went to my Mom's High School? Oh yessssssssss he did! Beachwood High School, Beachwood Ohio. Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  13. Well done, everyone! What an incredible still get up a ladder to help his fellow man.

  14. How amazing that your humans and their volunteer crews could make so much progress on building a house in such a short time! You must have missed them a lot, though, and you must be super-glad to have them home where they belong.

  15. I bet you blew the roof off the place.

  16. That's really a nice thing to do!

  17. Doing great and memorable work that makes a difference for people.

  18. What a lovely project and adventure! Not all projects and adventures change lives, so this one is that much more special. Super-cool!

    Love and licks,

  19. I am so proud of your mom & dad's work with Habitat from Humanity. It is an honor to call you my friend. Thanks for being awesome! ♥ Yay for birthday excitement!

  20. What a busy few days, the crew did amazing work. Glad your back home and loving on Oz.

  21. Good job. I can't imagine working in that heat.

  22. What a wonderful thing your parents & their friends did, and we're glad they got to have a little R&R afterwards - they earned it!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier